On Sunday the 29th of May we took our congregation into the missions field. Practically putting our passion into action. We had four areas of outreach where we would go: Olievenhoutbosch, Laudium and City Center in Pretoria.
When we go on missions it's ALWAYS with long term in mind. In City Center we are working with the EN Pretoria team who is currently in the process of planting a church there. We are looking to do the same in Olievenhoutbosch and Laudium is a muslim community which has become really open due to a lot of engaging and praying!
The purpose of the mission was not to Bible bash the community, because that would have cerrtainly closed many open doors. We went in with the purpose of engaging people, building relationships with the people, where the oppertunity arose pray for people and prayer walk through the different communities. We also came back with many photos and testimonies and we are really trusting God that this will create a deeper passion for missions inside the church.
For many of the congregation members this was their first mission, so we are just excited to see what God will do further now that they have experienced a large piece of God's heart. We will actively be going back into the communites, building on established relationships, working with the men of peace and trust God for a changed community filled with God-honouring disciples!
Here are some of the memories...
City Center