Thursday, October 9, 2014

Evangelism Training

According to statisctics only about 15% of people in South Africa actaully attend a Bible believing church. This means that as a nation we are in a crisis.
This was what the evangelism training was all about - to see the harvest coming in and people being discipled into strong foundations as they follow Jesus! During the training evangelists and people passionate about evangelism from across our Every Nation churches came together with the aim to raise the local evangelists within the congregations who will lead the church into the community to see the harvest being reached with the Gospel.
As Jesus said in Luke 10, there is not a harvest problem, but a labourer problem. Through the evangelism training we aim to see the church be equipped to go into the harvest field.
We also had the hand-over from Frans Olivier to Themba Malaba who will be leading evangelism for our Every Nation Southern Africa churches. Frans and his family will be relocating to Kenya in 2015 to lead the church plant in Nairobi. Themba is also a passionate evangelist with a heart to see local evangelists identified, equipped and empowered within their local congregations and communities!

Gods Not Dead Conference

We had an incredible time at the Gods Not Dead conference in Cape Town with great speakers such as Rice Broocks, Winston Mashua (RZIM director for South Africa), Dr Brian Miller and many others.

Knowing that we have a faith that is not blind stirs such a boldness and confidence in God's Word, knowing that it is the truth and knowing that we can build our lives on it. One thing that definitely stood out to me was, if God is not dead, then that changes absolutely everything about our lives and our purpose on earth. Everything that we do should then be towards the purpose of making known to the world that God is not dead!

Scepticism, uncertainty and disbelief in God is growing in South Africa, but the great news is that people are open to be engaged. As believers we carry that message of hope inside of us and it is our responsibility to declare the message we believe in to those who don't believe.

During my visit in Cape Town I met up with 3 German students and we spoke about who God is and the implications of His existence on all of our lives. One of the students asked me this question, "Is it possible to have a private relationship with God, where you are not actively sharing that with others?" I responded with a question of my own, "Would it be good or evil if you had the cure for aids, but you just kept it to yourself?". Her response: "Morally, it would be wrong."
It's clear. We have a responsibility...

You can get the podcasts to the conference by clicking on this link.