Sunday, March 8, 2015

Establish Training - Equipping Connect Group Leaders

One of our greatest needs identified at the and of last year and also our main objective for the first term of 2015 was our Connect Groups. To make sure that our Connect Groups are healthy, that our Connect Group leaders are well equipped and that strong discipleship will take place laying Biblical foundations in peoples' lives that will bear lasting fruit. So we started the Establish Training, running for 5 consecutive Sundays.

The turn-up was really amazing, with about 40 people attending it weekly. One of the greatest encouragements for me was that people were starting to ask different questions. Instead of asking why we need to reach the lost and why we need to do discipleship, people started asking how?

God has been working in our hearts from middle last year and there is a great hunger in our congregation to see the lost reached and for solid discipleship to take place.

At the end of the Establish training we had 9 people signing up to start a Connect Group with lost people, meaning people who are not in church currently. So we will be walking closely with them, practically showing them how to reach out to lost people, how to grow a relationship and how to develop that relationship into a weekly discipleship meeting.

Please pray with us as we are really trusting God that everyone who attended the Establish Training will truly experience the grace of God over their lives as they step out and make disciples.

Equipping our Willows Congregation

During March our Every Nation Willows congregation hosted their own Engage Training fully run by their own teachers - I only had 1 session out of the 8. There were 15 people who attended the training.

For me this is so, so exciting! To see the leaders being raised up who are passionate about evangelism who will also be the change agents in their congregation. God is truly stirring something in the hearts of people throughout the city and we are expectant to see a great harvest of lost people coming into the Kingdom of God as laborers are raised up and equipped to go into the harvest field.

Phillip Pretorius, who is also the senior leader at the Willows Congregation, has now taken ownership to see the Engage Training grow in their congregation. We also worked together on some changes in the manual and we have also managed to get to a teachers manual which will aid new teachers and even new churches who want to do the Engage Training immensely!

Kate de Meillon, above left, will be leading the Engage Training team at the Willows Congregation (along with Phillip). She has such a passion for reaching the lost and God has truly given her great boldness and courage!

This picture was taken in Hatfield, Pretoria, where the team goes out on the Friday night to practically reach out to people using the GodTest.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Second Service Launch

We are so thankful for what God has been doing in church! We have come to a place where we have reached the capacity of our venue (about 180 people) and our kids church and mothers with babies have also grown incredibly so we were forced to step out in faith and to start a second morning service.

We now have a 09h00 and 11h00 service and this is truly just a testimony of God's grace and faithfulness. When the staff all prayed together we were in absolute unity that this is much more than just a logistical step, but a step of obedience. That God wants us to broaden our tent pens so that He can add the increase.

Jesus said that the harvest is ready and that is what we are trusting for - that the harvest will come into the Kingdom of God. Please specifically pray with us for strong leadership to arise, all the volunteer ministries to have enough volunteers and also for new preachers to be raised up and equipped. And pray for the harvest. Pray that God will use us as a church to reach those who are lost and also that the lost will find a place where they can belong and become all that God has called them to be.

These are exciting times we are living in!!!