Simple discipleship... it was never meant to be complicated
"Come, follow Me and I will make you fishers of men..."
This was Jesus call to discipleship, speaking to fishermen. Uneducated men. Those who were outcasts in society. Jesus called them to be His disciples and then in Matthew 28 He sends them out to be and to make disciples...
Discipleship was never meant to be something that is complicated, and that is truly what I am seeing in Olievenhoutbosch. Simple discipleship.
Here is Louis and Bethual. Getting into the Word together. Learning and applying the principles of the Word to their lives. I was so humbled this specific morning. The lady who's space we were using to do the Bible study prepared the table for us, cleaning the space, laying a table cloth and she even made us some tea! We didn't even ask. Louis then went to buy us some biscuits to go with the tea!!!
Louis is originally from Mozambique and speaks Portuguese. Here are some of his friends and family also from Mozambique. Louis will now start to disciple them the same way he is being discipled. By getting into the Word and applying what you learn to your life. It's simple. I am really excited to see how God will impact to Mozambique community in Olievenhoutbosch through Louis obedience to "go and make disciples", even though according to the worlds standards he might not know much. I just know that God is working in Louis life and that God is revealing Himself more and more to Louis!!

Here is Johan and Bethual getting into the Word. Johan took time off from work to come and join us. Was such a privelage to share the day with Johan. His humilty and hunger for more of Jesus is really something I learn from. He is also super excited to become more involved in Olievenhoutbosch, willing to take even more time off work! I am really excited to see what God is going to do in and through Johan's life!
This is brother Frank. He started working about a month ago after a long time without work. This is where he is staying, a room that he is renting. Frank hasn't received his first paycheck yet, but in the meantime Chand (the shop owner) is looking after Frank. Paying the bills and buying the groceries. They understand something about community and looking after one another that most people dont get. As I spend time with these awesome people, I am being discipled!!!
This is Chand, his nephew and his friend. His friend is still a muslim, but we are praying for him. Chand has got such a passion for Jesus and for those who do not know Jesus to come to salvation. I had the privelage of spending a big part of ons Thursday with him where we would visit his muslim friends in their houses, and I would be welcomed as a brother. Again... I am being discipled! Oh and with Chand and his brother Arfan, everything happens over a meal!
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