Mozambique Mission
1 - 10 April 2011
1 - 10 April 2011
On the 1st of April 11 of us embarked on a mission for which we, in our own strength, were not nearly equipped to do. God chose 11 “wonderfully weird” people (as Sasha described us) for a unique purpose and a devine encounter...
The team: Dawid du Plessis (team leader), Jaco Oldewage, Rudo Ellis, Kennedy Manyike, Miemie du Plessis, Sasha Stroebel, Danja Kühn, Luhanri Le Roux, Nicol Albertyn, Michelle Gouwes and Nicole Matthee.

No barriers. In simplicity they just love God. I think in the westernized church we have grown dependent on “things” in order to respond to God. In Mozambique I saw people with nothing filled with a joy, peace and freedom that is often lacking in my life.
We were received with so much love. One of the boys, Nelito, wrote me a letter upon arriving asking whether I would be his friend. During our time their he would follow me and make sure I am ok. We had the amazing privilege of building into the lives of these young boys! I’ve received an email from Nelito just saying that he is praying for me and looking forward to our next visit. I’m humbled.

We had to use translators from English to Portuguese which cut the effective teaching time in more than half. The aim was to equip the students to be disciples themselves and to reach out and disciple their own people. Transitioning into a church planting movement.
As part of the teaching we had two practical days where they could apply what they have learnt. And this would be the test whether the teachings have been effective. On Thursday afternoon we went into Seserre, a nearby village, and went from house to house where the students would go and share the gospel. They were also invited to a showing of the Jesus Film that evening. Many showed up and many responded to the gospel, committing their lives to Christ!
The Friday was the real challenge. They (the students) had to teach what we have taught them to 65 leaders from nearby communities. God just showed that it was His purposes and plans and He would be the one making it work. The students completely understood the method and explained it to the leaders in absolute simplicity and practicality. We literally didn't have to say a word. We were amazed and in awe of a very very faithful God...
While the students were doing the teaching work we were free to complete the work on the bore hole pump. We had our challenges with typical Mozambique rain, power failures and wrong fittings, but the people from Rubotane now again have easy access to clean water.
We also spent a day with about 600 (of over 1000) orphans who are looked after through home based care and were able to bless them with food which they regarded as Christmas food. Bringing joy to others brings joy to yourself!
Thanks to the financial support of many we were able to really be a blessing to the people of Maforga, Seserre, Rubotane and many more. The soccer team was blessed with a complete kit and soccer balls, the girls had the opportunity to design their own photo frames and for many of them this is the first photo they have ever had of themselves. And the girls on the team really blended in and had their hair braided just as the locals did it...
Coming back we’ve received a testimony following the outreach to Seserre. Here is a short extract:
So as we went to Seserre to redeem the village and pray for the village and we showed the Jesus film last week, what happened afterwards is that many were touched and the churches were full on Sunday. The owner of the local cinema, a shack with a big television and dvd player went to Chimoio to look for the Jesus film and next night they showed it. As two students live close by, they heard and went to see, they stood up afterwards and preached and the people (the shack was filled) were convicted and asked what they should do (Acts 2:37), the students preached and prayed all the way till midnight and the people threw publicly the bottles of alcohol away and wanted to come to Serre's (one of the Bible shool leaders) group. But the group is so big now so they decided to split it up in several groups all over Sesserre.
We are going back to Mozambique from the 27th of June - 1st of July to continue equipping the students and aiding them in raising up leaders that will disciple their nation and their people. Please continue to pray for us as a church and for the people of Mozambique. Especially Kees and his family ( as they live the Kingdom. And who knows, maybe God is calling you to go along, to not just read about it, but tell it!
In the space on 10 days hot water became a luxury in my life, my fear for spiders is significantly smaller, my heart for nations grew significantly larger and I’ve been touched by people who will most probably never know the extent to which they have touched me.
I have learnt that as we go and meet the needs of others we have the needs in our own hearts met. Often not even knowing that they were there. Thank you God for Your love and Your faithfulness.
Moçambique - Até logo....
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