We are not called to live a life of significance, but obedience.
From a life of obedience significant things will happen...
Jason Upton has a song called “just like you” in which he sings, “it is my weakness that perfects Your power.” The funny thing is, Paul wrote it ages ago (2 Corinthians 12:9). It’s only through experiencing something first hand that we truly understand it, and the power behind it. It’s only in dying to ourselves that Christ can live, it’s only in admitting that we can’t do it that God comes and does it.
This is something I’ve really experienced first hand this year. The hard way… I wasn't saved from a life of drugs, sex or alcoholism, but religion. Which is actually worse, because you think you’re ok. And many times this year I’ve seen how I fall back into religion and back into works. Trying to do what only God can. Trying to add something to God’s undeserved grace in my life.
I’ve already had a couple of times this year where I would feel REALLY frustrated, tired and in the midst of it all I would lack faith. God allowed me to get stuck in this place of frustration so that I can clearly see that I CAN NOT DO THIS. I need Him. John 15 - If you abide in the vine then you will bear much fruit & Apart from Me (Jesus) you can do nothing. I really needed to repent of self effort and dead works, of a lack of faith and not trusting God. I allowed my circumstances and my emotions (my reality) to influence my faith and God’s reality. It’s in resting in Him that we find success. Relying on His strength and DAILY admitting to ourselves (because God already knows) that we need God. We can’t do anything of any eternal value out of our own strength.
The moment we realize that we are weak, and that it is OK to be weak, then God is strong. Realizing this I’ve stopped to try and do something and just surrender fully to God. This has brought fourth such a peace and freedom in my relationship with God. Taking of the burden of trying to be perfect - because we can’t so that just leads to guilt and condemnation. And our mission to Mozambique is a huge testimony of this. God used unskilled people to do the work of the skilled. When you surrender His grace empowers you.
May my mistakes inspire you to first surrender and THEN ask, “God what do YOU want to do through me…?”
Spending some time with the family...
I was privileged to get to spend some time with my family over Easter weekend. I went down to Douglas (Northern Cape) the Monday before Easter Friday with the hope of going to see potential partners. The Tuesday I started to feel a bit ill and the Wednesday it was confirmed that I have malaria. I spent 3 nights in hospital in Kimberley, which were really not the highlight of my time “home”, but God used that to really just break this word of dying to myself in my heart. I got to spend a couple of days at home and I had an excuse to catch up on some TV.
It turned out that 7 of the 11 mission team members got sick. We have all recovered and we’re ready to go again. It just shows that the enemy attacks when we are gaining ground for the Kingdom of God. So getting malaria from going on a successful missions trip to Mozambique is definitely not a discouragement, but and absolute encouragement. We are on the right track!
Being sick was not nice, but I did get to spend Easter Weekend with my family which was awesome...
PLEASE pray with me for Centurion Academy. It is a very religious culture and the students try to sidetrack discipleship. I see a campus filled with God-honoring disciples filling the workplaces of our nation, making disciples and advancing the Kingdom of God. Humanly speaking its impossible, but with God all things are possible (Luke 1:37). Pray with me for lost people to be saved and for students to be discipled...