The Word says in Ephesians 4 that we mature through doing the work of ministry...
but many times we dont know how. This is what
Making Disciples Training is all about!
Its a weekend where we focus on:
- Why is reaching the lost important
- Who are the lost
- How do we engage the lost
- How do we establish them in their relationship with God
We had an amazing time with really hungry and passionate people. The Friday night we spend teaching the heart and then Saturday we took them out to Olievenhoutbosch to practically go and apply and practise what they have learnt.
We also had lunch there prepared by the awesome woman in the photo below.
Afterwards the feedback we received was amazing.
About 7 people came and asked whether they could become more involved in Olievenhoutbosch and others testified how through being equipped to reach lost people and grow God's Kingdom has realligned them with God's calling on their lives.
We also had the oppertunity to share the gospel with Bravo (below). He committed hi life to Christ!! Please pray with us that we will have the oppertunity to disciple him into walking with God.