Kirstin is part of the youth that comes together on Sundays. She is currently a Gr12 student at Cornwall Hill College in Centurion. Here is a testimony she shared with us regarding her studies for next year...

In about August/September i began the waiting process as Stellenbosch University began to let people know about whether they've been accepted into residence for next year or not, and since then i began to get stressed about whether or not i would get in and what residence i would end up in etc. At the beginning of September a friend of mine got into res, so in the back of my head i began to worry a little bit more about whether or not i would get in and all that.
Now lot of things have definately gone my way this year with regards to getting into all of the varsities that i applied to pretty easily, the fact that my marks at school have been really good and i made first team hockey and was made a prefect (the list goes on)... so i figured that this was a trial that God was putting me under. I heard him say "just trust me", and people around me kept saying don't stress about it, it'll work out... just be patient. So towards the end of September i guess i started putting my trust in God, and i prayed about it, asking him for an answer of sorts (no matter if i got in or not).
I was reading a scripture on trust (i can't remember the exact day), and it was all about how sometimes we just need to put our trust in God to do whatever is part of his plan, not necessarily to trust him to do what we want (because it might not be right for us). After i read that scripture i prayed again for God to help me not worry about the whole res thing and to help me trust him more to do whatever is right for me.
Literally 10 minutes later i was checking my e-mails, when i recieved the e-mail saying "It gives me pleasure to inform you that your application for accommodation
for 2012 has been approved conditionally."...
God really did answer my prayers!! I couldn't believe it. I was so happy and so grateful.
There's more....
The next week I found out that I made it into Harmonie, the same residence that Serena (Louise's sister) is in and the same one that Louise (ons of her friends from youth) got into. I know that God has some fantastic plan for us there next year, and i am so grateful that he has placed me somewehere next year where i'll be close to a friend who has gone through all of the home-sickness etc. that i'll probably go through next year, as well as a close friend who will be experiencing the ups and down of first year with me